Thursday, September 8, 2011

Death is Served - Part 2

     Katya and the other servers gave statements to the uniformed policeman then again to the homicide detectives who showed up a few minutes later.  She noticed Thorne took aside the detective in charge, Lieutenant Drumm.  The two men spoke in whispered tones and shot glances at Katya.  The women were then taken to a police station for further questioning. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Death is Served - Part 1

It's been a while since I've written and even longer since I've written about the Hidden Ones.  To refresh you memory on who Katya is read this first.  You can also read this but you don't need to read it first. 

     It was very inconvenient that a man Katya wanted to kill was murdered.  Inconvenient because she wouldn’t have a chance to interrogate him or search his place for information about his Hunter friends.  And inconvenient because she ended up being a suspect in his murder.